The Island Group is a privately-owned, not-for-profit organization with NO PAID staff. We are a "Day Club" ONLY and DO NOT have ANY overnight capabilities. Since 1991, we have been a proud affiliate of the American Association of Nude Recreation (AANR).
The Island Group, one of Florida's oldest nudist clubs, was founded in 1954 where the former Dupree Gardens were located in Land O'Lakes, Florida. Long before today’s major theme parks, Florida abounded with dozens of extravagant garden attractions that commonly drew tourists to our beautiful Sunshine State. The 25-acre Dupree Gardens was the brainchild of prominent Tampa attorney James “William” Dupree. It was part of a trend started by Cypress Gardens in Winter Haven, which opened in 1936. In May 1933, Dupree started buying land in Central Pasco which he intended to use as a hunting retreat. He often invited his Tampa friends and colleagues to partake in the natural planted beauty of his retreat. It was this circle of friends who encouraged Dupree to open his gardens to the public. It wasn’t until December 1, 1940, when the Dupree Gardens attraction finally opened to the public, well after the start of WWII. By 1942, rations of gas and tires caused an extensive decrease in the annual visitors to the gardens. The war finally over, Dupree Gardens reopened to the public in 1946; yet, it never witnessed the visitors it had in years past. Over the next 10 years, Dupree welcomed numerous civic groups and private family gatherings – regular tours eventually waned. He started to sell off the land. A portion was sold to the Island Group who established a small nudist camp on Dupree Lake.
artistic rendering of the former Dupree Gardens